PyDNApsenacutil module

A class used for computing different types of DNA descriptors!

You can freely use and distribute it. If you have any problem,

you could contact with us timely.

Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.

Date: 2016.06.14

Email: and

PyDNApsenacutil.ExtendPhycheIndex(original_index, extend_index)[source]

Extend {phyche:[value, ... ]}

PyDNApsenacutil.GetParallelFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value)[source]

Get the corresponding factor theta list.

PyDNApsenacutil.GetParallelFactorPsednc(lamada, sequence, phyche_value)[source]

Get the corresponding factor theta list. This def is just for dinucleotide.


Get all {nucleotide: [(phyche, value), ...]} dict.

PyDNApsenacutil.GetPhycheIndex(k, phyche_list)[source]

get phyche_value according phyche_list.

PyDNApsenacutil.GetSeriesFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value)[source]

Get the corresponding series factor theta list.

PyDNApsenacutil.MakeOldPsekncVector(sequence_list, lamada, w, k, phyche_value, theta_type=1)[source]

Generate the pseknc vector.

PyDNApsenacutil.MakePsekncVector(sequence_list, lamada, w, k, phyche_value, theta_type=1)[source]

Generate the pseknc vector.

PyDNApsenacutil.ParallelCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, phyche_index)[source]

Get the cFactor.(Type1)

PyDNApsenacutil.SeriesCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, big_lamada, phyche_value)[source]

Get the series correlation Factor(Type 2).