# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Zhijiang Yao, Jie Dong and Dongsheng Cao
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the PyBioMed.
# The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
# which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
# of the PyBioMed source tree.
A class used for computing different types of DNA descriptors!
You can freely use and distribute it. If you have any problem,
you could contact with us timely.
Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.
Date: 2016.06.14
Email: gadsby@163.com and oriental-cds@163.com
import sys
import os
import pickle
from math import pow
from PyDNAutil import Frequency
from PyDNAnacutil import MakeKmerList
[docs]def ExtendPhycheIndex(original_index, extend_index):
"""Extend {phyche:[value, ... ]}"""
if extend_index is None or len(extend_index) == 0:
return original_index
for key in list(original_index.keys()):
return original_index
global phyche_factor_dic1
global phyche_factor_dic2
full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
with open("%s/mmc3.data"%os.path.dirname(full_path), 'rb') as f:
phyche_factor_dic1 = pickle.load(f)
with open("%s/mmc4.data"%os.path.dirname(full_path), 'rb') as f:
phyche_factor_dic2 = pickle.load(f)
[docs]def GetPhycheFactorDic(k):
"""Get all {nucleotide: [(phyche, value), ...]} dict."""
global phyche_factor_dic1
global phyche_factor_dic2
if 2 == k:
phyche_factor_dic = phyche_factor_dic1
elif 3 == k:
phyche_factor_dic = phyche_factor_dic2
sys.stderr.write("The k can just be 2 or 3.")
return phyche_factor_dic
[docs]def GetPhycheIndex(k, phyche_list):
"""get phyche_value according phyche_list."""
phyche_value = {}
if 0 == len(phyche_list):
for nucleotide in MakeKmerList(k, ALPHABET):
phyche_value[nucleotide] = []
return phyche_value
nucleotide_phyche_value = GetPhycheFactorDic(k)
for nucleotide in MakeKmerList(k, ALPHABET):
if nucleotide not in phyche_value:
phyche_value[nucleotide] = []
for e in nucleotide_phyche_value[nucleotide]:
if e[0] in phyche_list:
return phyche_value
[docs]def ParallelCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, phyche_index):
"""Get the cFactor.(Type1)"""
temp_sum = 0.0
phyche_index_values = list(phyche_index.values())
len_phyche_index = len(phyche_index_values[0])
for u in range(len_phyche_index):
temp_sum += pow(float(phyche_index[nucleotide1][u]) - float(phyche_index[nucleotide2][u]), 2)
return temp_sum / len_phyche_index
[docs]def SeriesCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, big_lamada, phyche_value):
"""Get the series correlation Factor(Type 2)."""
return float(phyche_value[nucleotide1][big_lamada]) * float(phyche_value[nucleotide2][big_lamada])
[docs]def GetParallelFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value):
"""Get the corresponding factor theta list."""
theta = []
l = len(sequence)
for i in range(1, lamada + 1):
temp_sum = 0.0
for j in range(0, l - k - i + 1):
nucleotide1 = sequence[j: j+k]
nucleotide2 = sequence[j+i: j+i+k]
temp_sum += ParallelCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, phyche_value)
theta.append(temp_sum / (l - k - i + 1))
return theta
[docs]def GetSeriesFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value):
"""Get the corresponding series factor theta list."""
theta = []
l_seq = len(sequence)
temp_values = list(phyche_value.values())
max_big_lamada = len(temp_values[0])
for small_lamada in range(1, lamada + 1):
for big_lamada in range(max_big_lamada):
temp_sum = 0.0
for i in range(0, l_seq - k - small_lamada + 1):
nucleotide1 = sequence[i: i+k]
nucleotide2 = sequence[i+small_lamada: i+small_lamada+k]
temp_sum += SeriesCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, big_lamada, phyche_value)
theta.append(temp_sum / (l_seq - k - small_lamada + 1))
return theta
[docs]def MakePsekncVector(sequence_list, lamada, w, k, phyche_value, theta_type=1):
"""Generate the pseknc vector."""
kmer = MakeKmerList(k, ALPHABET)
vector = []
for sequence in sequence_list:
if len(sequence) < k or lamada + k > len(sequence):
error_info = "Sorry, the sequence length must be larger than " + str(lamada + k)
# Get the nucleotide frequency in the DNA sequence.
fre_list = [Frequency(sequence, str(key)) for key in kmer]
fre_sum = float(sum(fre_list))
# Get the normalized occurrence frequency of nucleotide in the DNA sequence.
fre_list = [e / fre_sum for e in fre_list]
# Get the theta_list according the Equation 5.
if 1 == theta_type:
theta_list = GetParallelFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value)
elif 2 == theta_type:
theta_list = GetSeriesFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value)
theta_sum = sum(theta_list)
# Generate the vector according the Equation 9.
denominator = 1 + w * theta_sum
temp_vec = [round(f / denominator, 3) for f in fre_list]
for theta in theta_list:
temp_vec.append(round(w * theta / denominator, 4))
return vector
[docs]def GetParallelFactorPsednc(lamada, sequence, phyche_value):
"""Get the corresponding factor theta list.
This def is just for dinucleotide."""
theta = []
l = len(sequence)
for i in range(1, lamada + 1):
temp_sum = 0.0
for j in range(0, l - 1 - lamada):
nucleotide1 = sequence[j] + sequence[j + 1]
nucleotide2 = sequence[j + i] + sequence[j + i + 1]
temp_sum += ParallelCorFunction(nucleotide1, nucleotide2, phyche_value)
theta.append(temp_sum / (l - i - 1))
return theta
[docs]def MakeOldPsekncVector(sequence_list, lamada, w, k, phyche_value, theta_type=1):
"""Generate the pseknc vector."""
kmer = MakeKmerList(k, ALPHABET)
vector = []
for sequence in sequence_list:
if len(sequence) < k or lamada + k > len(sequence):
error_info = "Sorry, the sequence length must be larger than " + str(lamada + k)
# Get the nucleotide frequency in the DNA sequence.
fre_list = [Frequency(sequence, str(key)) for key in kmer]
fre_sum = float(sum(fre_list))
# Get the normalized occurrence frequency of nucleotide in the DNA sequence.
fre_list = [e / fre_sum for e in fre_list]
# Get the theta_list according the Equation 5.
if 1 == theta_type:
theta_list = GetParallelFactorPsednc(lamada, sequence, phyche_value)
elif 2 == theta_type:
theta_list = GetSeriesFactor(k, lamada, sequence, phyche_value)
theta_sum = sum(theta_list)
# Generate the vector according the Equation 9.
denominator = 1 + w * theta_sum
temp_vec = [round(f / denominator, 3) for f in fre_list]
for theta in theta_list:
temp_vec.append(round(w * theta / denominator, 4))
return vector
if __name__ == '__main__':
# get_phyche_index(2, ['Base stacking'])
extra_phyche_index = {'AA': [0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11, 1],
'AC': [1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04, 1],
'AG': [0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62, 1],
'AT': [1.07, 0.22, 0.62, -1.02, 2.51, 1.17, 1],
'CA': [-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25, 1],
'CC': [0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24, 1],
'CG': [-1.66, -1.22, -0.44, -0.82, -0.29, -1.39, 1],
'CT': [0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62, 1],
'GA': [-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71, 1],
'GC': [-0.08, 0.22, 1.33, -0.35, 0.65, 1.59, 1],
'GG': [0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24, 1],
'GT': [1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04, 1],
'TA': [-1.23, -2.37, -0.44, -2.24, -1.51, -1.39, 1],
'TC': [-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71, 1],
'TG': [-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25, 1],
'TT': [0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11, 1]}
phyche_index = ExtendPhycheIndex(GetPhycheIndex(k=2, phyche_list=['Base stacking', 'DNA denaturation']),
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(GetPhycheFactorDic(3))