Source code for PyDNAac

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Zhijiang Yao, Jie Dong and Dongsheng Cao
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of the PyBioMed.
#  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
#  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
#  of the PyBioMed source tree.

A class used for computing different types of DNA descriptors! 

You can freely use and distribute it. If you have any problem, 

you could contact with us timely.

Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.

Date: 2016.07.11

Email: and


from PyDNAutil import GetData, GeneratePhycheValue
from functools import reduce

[docs]def CheckAcc(lag, k): """ ################################################################# Check ACC parameter validation. ################################################################# """ try: if not isinstance(lag, int) or lag <= 0: raise ValueError("Error, parameter lag must be an int type and larger than 0.") elif not isinstance(k, int) or lag <= 0: raise ValueError("Error, parameter k must be an int type and larger than 0.") except ValueError: raise
[docs]def ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index=None, all_property=False, extra_phyche_index=None): """ ################################################################# Public function for get sequence_list and phyche_value. ################################################################# """ sequence_list = GetData(input_data) if phyche_index is None: phyche_index = [] if extra_phyche_index is None: extra_phyche_index = {} phyche_value = GeneratePhycheValue(k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) return sequence_list, phyche_value
[docs]def GetDAC(input_data,**kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make DAC dictionary. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 2 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeACVector vec = MakeACVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k) dict_keys = ['DAC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
[docs]def GetDCC(input_data,**kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make DCC vector. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 2 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeCCVector vec = MakeCCVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k) dict_keys = ['DCC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
[docs]def GetDACC(input_data, **kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make DACC dictionary. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 2 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeACVector, MakeCCVector zipped = list(zip(MakeACVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k), MakeCCVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k))) vec = [reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, e) for e in zipped] dict_keys = ['DACC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
[docs]def GetTAC(input_data, **kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make TAC dictionary. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 3 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeACVector vec = MakeACVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k) dict_keys = ['TAC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
[docs]def GetTCC( input_data,**kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make TCC dictionary. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 3 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeCCVector vec = MakeCCVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k) dict_keys = ['TCC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
[docs]def GetTACC(input_data,**kwargs): """ ################################################################# Make TACC dictionary. :param input_data: file object or sequence list. :param phyche_index: physicochemical properties list. :param all_property: bool, choose all physicochemical properties or not. :param extra_phyche_index: dict, the key is the dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list. It means user-defined phyche_index. ################################################################# """ if 'k' in kwargs: k = kwargs['k'] else: k = 3 if 'lag' in kwargs: lag = kwargs['lag'] else: lag = 2 if 'phyche_index' in kwargs: phyche_index = kwargs['phyche_index'] else: phyche_index = None if 'all_property' in kwargs: all_property = kwargs['all_property'] else: all_property = False if 'extra_phyche_index' in kwargs: extra_phyche_index = kwargs['extra_phyche_index'] else: extra_phyche_index = None input_data = [input_data] sequence_list, phyche_value = ReadyAcc(input_data, k, phyche_index, all_property, extra_phyche_index) from PyDNAacutil import MakeACVector, MakeCCVector zipped = list(zip(MakeACVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k), MakeCCVector(sequence_list, lag, phyche_value, k))) vec = [reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, e) for e in zipped] dict_keys = ['TCC_%s'%i for i in range(1,len(vec[0])+1)] res = dict(zip(dict_keys,vec[0])) return res
if __name__ == '__main__': extra_phyche_value = {'AA': [0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11], 'AC': [1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04], 'AG': [0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62], 'AT': [1.07, 0.22, 0.62, -1.02, 2.51, 1.17], 'CA': [-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25], 'CC': [0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24], 'CG': [-1.66, -1.22, -0.44, -0.82, -0.29, -1.39], 'CT': [0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62], 'GA': [-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71], 'GC': [-0.08, 0.22, 1.33, -0.35, 0.65, 1.59], 'GG': [0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24], 'GT': [1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04], 'TA': [-1.23, -2.37, -0.44, -2.24, -1.51, -1.39], 'TC': [-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71], 'TG': [-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25], 'TT': [0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11]} phyche_index = \ [[2.26, 3.03, 2.03, 3.83, 1.78, 1.65, 2.00, 2.03, 1.93, 2.61, 1.65, 3.03, 1.20, 1.93, 1.78, 2.26], [7.65, 8.93, 7.08, 9.07, 6.38, 8.04, 6.23, 7.08, 8.56, 9.53, 8.04, 8.93, 6.23, 8.56, 6.38, 7.65]] from PyDNAutil import NormalizeIndex dac = GetDAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt']) print(dac) print(len(dac)) dac = GetDAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', all_property=True) print(dac) print(len(dac)) dac = GetDAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(dac) print(len(dac)) print('\n') dcc = GetDCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt']) print(dcc) print(len(dcc)) dcc = GetDCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', all_property=True) print(dcc) print(len(dcc)) dcc = GetDCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(dcc) print(len(dcc)) print('\n') print('DACC') dacc = GetDACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt']) print(dacc) print(len(dacc)) dacc = GetDACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC',all_property=True) print(dacc) print(len(dacc)) dac = GetDACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Twist', 'Tilt'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(dac) print(len(dac)) print('\n') phyche_index = [ [7.176, 6.272, 4.736, 7.237, 3.810, 4.156, 4.156, 6.033, 3.410, 3.524, 4.445, 6.033, 1.613, 5.087, 2.169, 7.237, 3.581, 3.239, 1.668, 2.169, 6.813, 3.868, 5.440, 4.445, 3.810, 4.678, 5.440, 4.156, 2.673, 3.353, 1.668, 4.736, 4.214, 3.925, 3.353, 5.087, 2.842, 2.448, 4.678, 3.524, 3.581, 2.448, 3.868, 4.156, 3.467, 3.925, 3.239, 6.272, 2.955, 3.467, 2.673, 1.613, 1.447, 3.581, 3.810, 3.410, 1.447, 2.842, 6.813, 3.810, 2.955, 4.214, 3.581, 7.176] ] print('Begin TAC') tac = GetTAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome']) print(tac) print(len(tac)) tac = GetTAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC',all_property=True) print(tac) print(len(tac)) tac = GetTAC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(tac) print(len(tac)) print('\n') print('Begin TCC') tcc = GetTCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome']) print(tcc) print(len(tcc)) tcc = GetTCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', all_property=True) print(tcc) print(len(tcc)) tcc = GetTCC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(tcc) print(len(tcc)) print('\n') print('Begin TACC') tacc = GetTACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome']) print(tacc) print(len(tacc)) tacc = GetTACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', all_property=True) print(tacc) print(len(tacc)) tacc = GetTACC('GACTGAACTGCACTTTGGTTTCATATTATTTGCTC', phyche_index=['Dnase I', 'Nucleosome'], extra_phyche_index=NormalizeIndex(phyche_index, is_convert_dict=True)) print(tacc) print(len(tacc)) print('\n')