AtomProperty module

You can freely use and distribute it. If you hava

any problem, you could contact with us timely!

Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.

Date: 2016.06.04


Z: atomic number L: principal quantum number Zv: number of valence electrons Rv: van der Waals atomic radius Rc: covalent radius m: atomic mass V: van der Waals vloume En: Sanderson electronegativity alapha: atomic polarizability (10e-24 cm3) IP: ionization potential (eV) EA: electron affinity (eV)

AtomProperty.GetAbsoluteAtomicProperty(element='C', propertyname='m')[source]

Get the absolute property value with propertyname for the given atom.

AtomProperty.GetRelativeAtomicProperty(element='C', propertyname='m')[source]

Get the absolute property value with propertyname for the given atom.