Source code for estate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Zhijiang Yao, Jie Dong and Dongsheng Cao
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of the PyBioMed.
#  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
#  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
#  of the PyBioMed source tree.
This module is to compute the estate fingerprints and values based on Kier 

and Hall's paper. If you have any question please contact me via email.

Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.

Date: 2016.06.04

Email: and


from rdkit.Chem.EState import Fingerprinter  as ESFP
from rdkit import Chem

import AtomTypes as ATEstate
import numpy


def _CalculateEState(mol,skipH=1):
    **Internal used only**
    Get the EState value of each atom in a molecule
    if skipH==1: 
    for i in range(nAtoms):
        if d>0:
    dists = Chem.GetDistanceMatrix(mol,useBO=0,useAtomWts=0)
    dists +=1
    accum = numpy.zeros(nAtoms,numpy.float)
    for i in range(nAtoms):
        for j in range(i+1,nAtoms):
            if p < 1e6:
                accum[i] +=temp
                accum[j] -=temp
    return res

def _GetPrincipleQuantumNumber(atNum):
    *Internal Use Only*
    Get the principle quantum number of atom with atomic
    number equal to atNum 
    if atNum<=2:
        return 1
    elif atNum<=10:
        return 2
    elif atNum<=18:
        return 3
    elif atNum<=36:
        return 4
    elif atNum<=54:
        return 5
    elif atNum<=86:
        return 6
        return 7

[docs]def CalculateEstateFingerprint(mol): """ ################################################################# The Calculation of EState Fingerprints. It is the number of times each possible atom type is hit. Usage: result=CalculateEstateFingerprint(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing 79 estate fragments. ################################################################# """ temp=ESFP.FingerprintMol(mol) res={} for i,j in enumerate(temp[0]): res['Sfinger'+str(i+1)]=j return res
[docs]def CalculateEstateValue(mol): """ ################################################################# The Calculate of EState Values. It is the sum of the Estate indices for atoms of each type. Usage: result=CalculateEstateValue(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing 79 estate values. ################################################################# """ temp=ESFP.FingerprintMol(mol) res={} for i,j in enumerate(temp[1]): res['S'+str(i+1)]=round(j,3) return res
[docs]def CalculateMaxAtomTypeEState(mol): """ ################################################################# Calculation of maximum of E-State value of specified atom type res---->dict type Usage: result=CalculateMaxAtomTypeEState(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing 79 max estate values. ################################################################# """ AT=ATEstate.GetAtomLabel(mol) Estate=_CalculateEState(mol) res=[] for i in AT: if i==[]: res.append(0) else: res.append(max([Estate[k] for k in i])) ESresult={} for n,es in enumerate(res): ESresult['Smax'+str(n)]=round(es,3) return ESresult
[docs]def CalculateMinAtomTypeEState(mol): """ ################################################################# Calculation of minimum of E-State value of specified atom type res---->dict type Usage: result=CalculateMinAtomTypeEState(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing 79 min estate values. ################################################################# """ AT=ATEstate.GetAtomLabel(mol) Estate=_CalculateEState(mol) res=[] for i in AT: if i==[]: res.append(0) else: res.append(min([Estate[k] for k in i])) ESresult={} for n,es in enumerate(res): ESresult['Smin'+str(n)]=round(es,3) return ESresult
[docs]def GetEstate(mol): """ ################################################################# Obtain all descriptors related to Estate. Usage: result=GetEstate(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing all estate values. ################################################################# """ result={} result.update(CalculateEstateFingerprint(mol)) result.update(CalculateEstateValue(mol)) result.update(CalculateMaxAtomTypeEState(mol)) result.update(CalculateMinAtomTypeEState(mol)) return result
def _GetEstate(mol): """ ################################################################# Obtain all Estate descriptors except Estate fingerprints . Usage: result=_GetEstate(mol) Input: mol is a molecule object. Output: result is a dict form containing all estate values. ################################################################# """ result={} result.update(CalculateEstateValue(mol)) result.update(CalculateMaxAtomTypeEState(mol)) result.update(CalculateMinAtomTypeEState(mol)) return result ################################################################ if __name__=='__main__': smi5=['COCCCC','CCC(C)CC','CC(C)CCC','CC(C)C(C)C','CCOCCN','c1ccccc1N'] smis = ['CCCC','CCCCC','CCCCCC','CC(N)C(=O)O','CC(N)C(=O)[O-].[Na+]'] for index, smi in enumerate(smis): m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi) print index+1 print smi ## print '\t',CalculateEstateFingerprint(m) ## print '\t',CalculateEstateValue(m) ## print '\t',CalculateMaxAtomTypeEState(m) ## print '\t', CalculateMinAtomTypeEState(m) print GetEstate(m)