# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Zhijiang Yao, Jie Dong and Dongsheng Cao
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the PyBioMed.
# The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
# which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
# of the PyBioMed source tree.
# CATS2D Potential Pharmacophore Point (PPP) definitions as describes in
# Pharmacophores and Pharmacophore Searches 2006 (Eds. T. Langer and R.D. Hoffmann), Chapter 3:
# Alignment-free Pharmacophore Patterns - A Correlattion-vector Approach.
# The last lipophilic pattern on page 55 of the book is realized as a graph search and not
# as a SMARTS search. Therefore, the list contains only two lipophilic SMARTS patterns.
# The format is tab separated and contains in the first column the PPP type (D = H-bond donor,
# A = H-bond acceptor, P = positive, N = negative, L = lipophilic). The second column of each entry
# contains the SMARTS pattern(s). The last entry is a description of the molecular feature
D [OH] Oxygen atom of an OH group
D [#7H,#7H2] Nitrogen atom of an NH or NH2 group
A [O] Oxygen atom
A [#7H0] Nitrogen atom not adjacent to a hydrogen atom
P [*+] atom with a positive charge
P [#7H2] Nitrogen atom of an NH2 group
N [*-] Atom with a negative charge
N [C&D2&$(C(=O)O),P&D2&$(P(=O)O),S&D2&$(S(=O)O)] Carbon, sulfur or phosphorus atom of a COOH, SOOH or POOH group. This pattern is realized by an graph algorithm
L [Cl,Br,I] Chlorine, bromine, or iodine atom
L [S;D2;$(S(C)(C))] Sulfur atom adjacent to exactly two carbon atoms
Created on Thu Sep 1 20:13:38 2016
Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.
Email: gadsby@163.com and oriental-cds@163.com
import scipy
from rdkit import Chem
PPP = {"D":['[OH]','[#7H,#7H2]'],
Version = 1.0
[docs]def MatchAtomType(IndexList,AtomTypeDict):
Mapping two atoms with a certain distance into their atom types
such as AA,AL, DP,LD etc.
The result is a list format.
First = []
Second = []
for i in AtomTypeDict:
if IndexList[0] in AtomTypeDict[i]:
if IndexList[1] in AtomTypeDict[i]:
temp = []
for i in First:
for j in Second:
temp1 = []
for i in temp:
if i in ['AD','PD','ND','LD','PA','NA','LA', 'NP', 'LN','LP']:
res = []
for i in temp1:
if i not in res:
return res
[docs]def ContructLFromGraphSearch(mol):
The last lipophilic pattern on page 55 of the book is realized as a graph
search and not as a SMARTS search.
"L" carbon atom adjacent only to carbon atoms.
The result is a list format.
AtomIndex = []
Hmol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)
for atom in Hmol.GetAtoms():
temp = []
if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 6:
for neighatom in atom.GetNeighbors():
if neighatom.GetAtomicNum() == 6:
elif neighatom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
if sum(temp) == 0:
return AtomIndex
[docs]def AssignAtomType(mol):
Assign the atoms in the mol object into each of the PPP type
according to PPP list definition.
Note: res is a dict form such as {'A': [2], 'P': [], 'N': [4]}
res = dict()
for ppptype in PPP:
temp = []
for i in PPP[ppptype]:
patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(i)
atomindex = mol.GetSubstructMatches(patt)
atomindex = [k[0] for k in atomindex]
temp = ContructLFromGraphSearch(mol)
return res
[docs]def CATS2D(mol,PathLength = 10,scale = 3):
The main program for calculating the CATS descriptors.
CATS: chemically advanced template serach
----> CATS_DA0 ....
result=CATS2D(mol,PathLength = 10,scale = 1)
Input: mol is a molecule object.
PathLength is the max topological distance between two atoms.
scale is the normalization method (descriptor scaling method)
scale = 1 indicates that no normalization. That is to say: the
values of the vector represent raw counts ("counts").
scale = 2 indicates that division by the number of non-hydrogen
atoms (heavy atoms) in the molecule.
scale = 3 indicates that division of each of 15 possible PPP pairs
by the added occurrences of the two respective PPPs.
Output: result is a dict format with the definitions of each descritor.
Hmol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)
AtomNum = Hmol.GetNumAtoms()
atomtype = AssignAtomType(Hmol)
DistanceMatrix = Chem.GetDistanceMatrix(Hmol)
DM = scipy.triu(DistanceMatrix)
tempdict = {}
for PL in range(0,PathLength):
if PL == 0:
Index = [[k,k] for k in range(AtomNum)]
Index1 = scipy.argwhere(DM == PL)
Index = [[k[0],k[1]] for k in Index1]
temp = []
for j in Index:
CATSLabel = FormCATSLabel(PathLength)
CATS1 = FormCATSDict(tempdict,CATSLabel)
####set normalization 3
AtomPair = ['DD','DA','DP','DN','DL','AA','AP',
temp = []
for i,j in tempdict.items():
AtomPairNum = {}
for i in AtomPair:
CATS = {}
if scale == 1:
if scale == 2:
for i in CATS1:
if scale == 3:
for i in CATS1:
if AtomPairNum[i[5:7]] == 0:
return CATS
if __name__ =='__main__':
import string
import os
# import pandas as pd
smif = ['CCCC','CCCCC','CCCCCC','CC(N)C(=O)O','CC(N)C(=O)[O-].[Na+]']
AllDes = []
for i in smif:
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(i)
cats = CATS2D(mol,PathLength = 10,scale = 3)
print AllDes