Source code for GetProtein

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Zhijiang Yao, Jie Dong and Dongsheng Cao
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of the PyBioMed.
#  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
#  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
#  of the PyBioMed source tree.
Created on Sat Jul 13 11:18:26 2013

This module is used for downloading the PDB file from RCSB PDB web and 

extract its amino acid sequence. This module can also download the protein 

sequence from the uniprot ( website. You can only 

need input a protein ID or prepare a file (ID.txt) related to ID. You can

obtain a .txt (ProteinSequence.txt) file saving protein sequence you need.  

Authors: Zhijiang Yao and Dongsheng Cao.

Date: 2016.06.04


import os, ftplib, gzip, sys
import time
from threading import Thread

ThreadStop = Thread._Thread__stop
[docs]class TimeoutException(Exception): pass
HOSTNAME = "" DIRECTORY = "/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb/" PREFIX = "pdb" SUFFIX = ".ent.gz" # List of three and one letter amino acid codes _aa_index = [('ALA', 'A'), ('CYS', 'C'), ('ASP', 'D'), ('GLU', 'E'), ('PHE', 'F'), ('GLY', 'G'), ('HIS', 'H'), ('HSE', 'H'), ('HSD', 'H'), ('ILE', 'I'), ('LYS', 'K'), ('LEU', 'L'), ('MET', 'M'), ('MSE', 'M'), ('ASN', 'N'), ('PRO', 'P'), ('GLN', 'Q'), ('ARG', 'R'), ('SER', 'S'), ('THR', 'T'), ('VAL', 'V'), ('TRP', 'W'), ('TYR', 'Y')] # AA3_TO_AA1 = dict(_aa_index) # AA1_TO_AA3 = dict([(aa[1],aa[0]) for aa in _aa_index])
[docs]def timelimited(timeout): """ A decorator to limit the execution time. """ def decorator(function): def decorator2(*args,**kwargs): class TimeLimited(Thread): def __init__(self,_error= None,): Thread.__init__(self) self._error = _error def run(self): try: self.result = function(*args,**kwargs) except Exception as e: self._error = e def _stop(self): if self.isAlive(): ThreadStop(self) t = TimeLimited() t.start() t.join(timeout) if isinstance(t._error,TimeoutException): t._stop() print 'Network timeout, skip!!' return 'Network timeout, skip!!' if t.isAlive(): t._stop() print 'Network timeout, skip!!' return 'Network timeout, skip!!' if t._error is None: return t.result return decorator2 return decorator
[docs]def unZip(some_file, some_output): """ Unzip some_file using the gzip library and write to some_output. """ f =, 'r') g = open(some_output, 'w') g.writelines(f.readlines()) f.close() g.close() os.remove(some_file)
[docs]def pdbDownload(file_list, hostname=HOSTNAME, directory=DIRECTORY, prefix=PREFIX, suffix=SUFFIX): """ Download all pdb files in file_list and unzip them. """ success = True # Log into server print "Connecting..." ftp = ftplib.FTP() ftp.connect(hostname) ftp.login() # Remove .pdb extensions from file_list for file_index, file in enumerate(file_list): try: file_list[file_index] = file[:file.index(".pdb")] except ValueError: pass # Download all files in file_list to_get = ["%s/%s%s%s" % (directory, prefix, f, suffix) for f in file_list] to_write = ["%s%s" % (f, suffix) for f in file_list] for i in range(len(to_get)): try: ftp.retrbinary("RETR %s" % to_get[i], open(to_write[i], "wb").write) final_name = "%s.pdb" % to_write[i][:to_write[i].index(".")] unZip(to_write[i], final_name) print "%s retrieved successfully." % final_name except ftplib.error_perm: os.remove(to_write[i]) print "ERROR! %s could not be retrieved!" % file_list[i] success = False # Log out ftp.quit() if success: return True else: return False
[docs]def GetPDB(pdbidlist=[]): """ Download the PDB file from PDB FTP server by providing a list of pdb id. """ for i in pdbidlist: templist = [] templist.append(i) pdbDownload(templist) return True
[docs]def pdbSeq(pdb, use_atoms=False): """ Parse the SEQRES entries in a pdb file. If this fails, use the ATOM entries. Return dictionary of sequences keyed to chain and type of sequence used. """ # Try using SEQRES seq = [l for l in pdb if l[0:6] == "SEQRES"] if len(seq) != 0 and not use_atoms: seq_type = "SEQRES" chain_dict = dict([(l[11], []) for l in seq]) for c in chain_dict.keys(): chain_seq = [l[19:70].split() for l in seq if l[11] == c] for x in chain_seq: chain_dict[c].extend(x) # Otherwise, use ATOM else: seq_type = "ATOM " # Check to see if there are multiple models. If there are, only look # at the first model. models = [i for i, l in enumerate(pdb) if l.startswith("MODEL")] if len(models) > 1: pdb = pdb[models[0]:models[1]] # Grab all CA from ATOM entries, as well as MSE from HETATM atoms = [] for l in pdb: if l[0:6] == "ATOM " and l[13:16] == "CA ": # Check to see if this is a second conformation of the previous # atom if len(atoms) != 0: if atoms[-1][17:26] == l[17:26]: continue atoms.append(l) elif l[0:6] == "HETATM" and l[13:16] == "CA " and l[17:20] == "MSE": # Check to see if this is a second conformation of the previous # atom if len(atoms) != 0: if atoms[-1][17:26] == l[17:26]: continue atoms.append(l) chain_dict = dict([(l[21], []) for l in atoms]) for c in chain_dict.keys(): chain_dict[c] = [l[17:20] for l in atoms if l[21] == c] AA3_TO_AA1 = dict(_aa_index) tempchain = chain_dict.keys() tempchain.sort() seq = '' for i in tempchain: for j in chain_dict[i]: if j in AA3_TO_AA1.keys(): seq = seq + (AA3_TO_AA1[j]) else: seq = seq + ('X') return seq, seq_type
import urllib import string ##################################################################################################
[docs]def GetProteinSequence(ProteinID): """ ######################################################################################### Get the protein sequence from the uniprot website by ID. Usage: result=GetProteinSequence(ProteinID) Input: ProteinID is a string indicating ID such as "P48039". Output: result is a protein sequence. ######################################################################################### """ ID = str(ProteinID) localfile = urllib.urlopen('' + ID + '.fasta') temp = localfile.readlines() res = '' for i in range(1, len(temp)): res = res + string.strip(temp[i]) return res
[docs]def GetProteinSequenceFromTxt(path, openfile, savefile): """ ######################################################################################### Get the protein sequence from the uniprot website by the file containing ID. Usage: result=GetProteinSequenceFromTxt(path,openfile,savefile) Input: path is a directory path containing the ID file such as "/home/orient/protein/" openfile is the ID file such as "proteinID.txt" savefile is the file saving the obtained protein sequences such as "protein.txt" ######################################################################################### """ f1 = file(path + savefile, 'wb') f2 = file(path + openfile, 'r') # res=[] for index, i in enumerate(f2): itrim = string.strip(i) if itrim == "": continue else: temp = GetProteinSequence(itrim) print "--------------------------------------------------------" print "The %d protein sequence has been downloaded!" % (index + 1) print temp f1.write(temp + '\n') print "--------------------------------------------------------" # res.append(temp+'\n') # f1.writelines(res) f2.close() f1.close() return 0
[docs]def GetSeqFromPDB(pdbfile=''): """ Get the amino acids sequences from pdb file. """ f1 = file(pdbfile, 'r') res1, res2 = pdbSeq(f1) f1.close() return res1
[docs]class Seq: def __init__(self, name, seq, no): = name self.seq = seq.upper() = no self.length = len(seq) def __str__(self): """Output seq when 'print' method is called.""" return "%s\tNo:%s\tlength:%s\n%s" % (, str(, str(self.length), self.seq)
[docs]def IsFasta(seq): """ ################################################################# Judge the Seq object is in FASTA format. Two situation: 1. No seq name. 2. Seq name is illegal. 3. No sequence. :param seq: Seq object. ################################################################# """ if not error_info = 'Error, sequence ' + str( + ' has no sequence name.' print(seq) sys.stderr.write(error_info) return False if -1 !='>'): error_info = 'Error, sequence ' + str( + ' name has > character.' sys.stderr.write(error_info) return False if 0 == seq.length: error_info = 'Error, sequence ' + str( + ' is null.' sys.stderr.write(error_info) return False return True
[docs]def ReadFasta(f): """ ################################################################# Read a fasta file. :param f: HANDLE to input. e.g. sys.stdin, or open(<file>) Return Seq obj list. ################################################################# """ name, seq = '', '' count = 0 seq_list = [] lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if not line: break if '>' == line[0]: if 0 != count or (0 == count and seq != ''): if IsFasta(Seq(name, seq, count)): seq_list.append(seq) else: sys.exit(0) seq = '' name = line[1:].strip() count += 1 else: seq += line.strip() count += 1 if IsFasta(Seq(name, seq, count)): seq_list.append(seq) else: sys.exit(0) return seq_list
#################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": print '-'*10+'START'+'-'*10 @timelimited(10) def run_GetPDB(): GetPDB(['1atp', '1efz', '1f88']) @timelimited(10) def run_GetSeqFromPDB(): seq = GetSeqFromPDB('1atp.pdb') print seq @timelimited(10) def run_GetProteinSequence(): GetProteinSequence('O00560') print ReadFasta(open('../test/test_data/protein.fasta')) run_GetPDB() print '-'*25 run_GetSeqFromPDB() print '-'*25 run_GetProteinSequence() print '-'*10+'END'+'-'*10